Terms of Reference
Final evaluation for the project: “Getting a Life” - Deinstitutionalization of Residents of Demir Kapija Institution
1. Background
People in Need (PIN) is currently implementing project supporting aiming on deinstitutionalization of Demir Kapija Special Institution.
The action is aligned with the Overall Objective of the call for proposals as it promotes and directly supports Deinstitutionalization (DI) of persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities in North Macedonia and ensures their inclusion in local communities through establishing community-based supported living services, facilitation of their connections with mainstream services (health care, church, cultural activities, local infrastructure.
The action contributes to the Specific Objectives by reducing the number of People with Intellectual Disabilities (PwID) living in a Residential Institution (RI) and supporting 45 adults with intellectual disabilities, current residents of Demir Kapija Special Institution - DKSI, to move out of the institution and resettle in target communities based on their place of origin and personal preferences. Nine (9) Group homes will support this process.
North Macedonia has identified DI of RIs as a key priority, which means it promotes:
- Transformation and closure of the institution,
- Resettlement of residents in the community
- Development of community services
- Prevention of institutionalization
This action is also in line with the European Convention on Human Rights provides that no one shall be subject to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Article 3) and reaffirms the right for respect to private and family life and home (Article 8). The European Disability Strategy 2010–2020 presents the EU commitment to promoting the transition from institutional to community-based care offering EU funds to support the development of community based services.
The proposed action is focusing on both priorities, aiming to establish services functioning fully in line with current European DI trends including person centered approach, individual support, personal assistance etc., and local legislation and standards, but also on closing RIs and transforming these into community-based service providers.
The proposed action aims to contribute to the fulfilment of the National Strategy on Deinstitutionalization 2018-2027 and Action Plan priorities by:
Overall objective: To contribute to strengthening social protection system and social inclusion of persons with disabilities in North Macedonia.
Specific Objective 1: Strengthening the capacity of DKSI to provide tailor made community-based services for PwID and act like a national DI resource center; and
Specific Objective 2: Scaling up community-based services for persons with intellectual disabilities (PwID) in North Macedonia and supporting resettlement of residential institution clients back into the community
Output 1: DKSI acting as a social service provider following current European deinstitutionalization standards fully respecting the rights of PwID
Output 2: Various types of community-based services for 55 PwID established in Vardarski and Skopje regions (45 Group homes and one Club)
Output 3: Recognition of rights of PwID by service providers’ workers, local population, local service providers and local and national authorities is increased
2. Objective and Scope of the Evaluation
The overall objective of the final evaluation is to assess if the intervention has achieved its objectives, the level of achievements and impact of project toward intended results, and to provide recommendations on how to ensure sustainability of interventions in order in order to maximize the impact on beneficiaries.
Final evaluation is intended to draw lessons from the project implementation, and provide recommendations to stakeholders to adjust the contents of the ongoing intervention in relation to support the deinstitutionalization of PwID at national level in North Macedonia.
The final evaluation will cover Demir Kapija, Negotino and Skopje.
The final evaluation will include different direct and indirect beneficiary groups, such as: staff members of DKSI, municipal authorities in Demir Kapija, users/PwID (if possible) and their family members or guardians, caregivers working in houses, Center for Social Work in Gevgelija, Negotino and Skopje representatives of Ministry of Labor and Social Policy*.*
The final evaluation will be conducted through a mixed-method approach through desk research, Key Informant Interviews, Focus Group Discussion and Surveys. Detailed methodological approach provided below:
1) Evaluation questions and specific tasks
- Assess to what extent project interventions (activities) proved appropriate for the North Macedonia context? Are the outputs, outcomes and impact consistent with the overall objective of the project?
- Assess whether the activities delivered to date created foundation for the successful de-institutionalization
- Identify key recommendations for Ministry of Social Welfare to successfully continue the process of de-institutionalization
Target group: Key Stakeholders: Ministry of Labour Social Policy; Demir Kapija Institution; Project partners; Project staff; External experts
Sample size: Around 12 Key Informant Interviews with stakeholders: 2 KIIs with Ministry; 2 KIIs with Demir Kapija Institution; 3 KIIs with Partners; 3 KIIs with PIN staff; 2 KII with external experts
- Key Informant (Indepth) Interviews
- Standardized guideline with open ended questions
- Guidelines to be designed by evaluator
- Conducting interviews by evaluator
- Organizing the KIIs falls under PIN responsibility
- Findings to be presented in narrative by the evaluator
- Follow up with desk review in order to ensure validity of findings from interviews
2) Evaluation questions and specific tasks
- Assess the satisfaction of PwIDs resettled into group homes.
Target group: PwID, CHwIDs
Sample size: Around 45 respondents
- Survey
- Standardized guideline
- Guidelines to be designed by evaluator
- Process to be Administered by evaluator through field visits
- Travel to sites with be organized by PIN
- Statistical analyses to be conducted by evaluator
- Findings to be quantified in numbers/percentages
3) Evaluation questions and specific tasks
- Follow-up assessment on impact of the trainings in daily work of care givers.
Target group: Care givers in Group Hommes and Demir Kapija Institution
Sample size: Around 80 respondents
- Survey
- Standardized questionnaire
- Online Survey
- Questionnaire to be developed by evaluator
- Survey administration to be supported by PIN staff
- Statistical analyses to be conducted by evaluator
- Findings to be quantified in numbers/percentages
4) Evaluation questions and specific tasks
- Follow-up assessment with PwID (self-advocates) to assess the impact of their advocacy efforts.
Target group: PwIDs who are exercising the role of self-advocates
Sample size: Around 20 respondents, (2 FGDs)
- Focus Group Discussion
- Standardized guideline to be developed including both open and closed questions
- Guidelines to be designed by evaluator
- Facilitation of FGDs to be done by the evaluator
- Organizing the FGDs falls under PIN responsibility
- Statistical analyses to be conducted by evaluator
- Findings to be presented both quantified in numbers/percentages and narrative by evaluator
5) Evaluation questions and specific tasks
- Key Findings and recommendations validation workshop.
Target group: Key Stakeholders
Sample size: Around 20 participants
- One day workshop
- Facilitation of workshop to be done by the evaluator
- Organizing the workshop falls under PIN responsibility
- Inputs/ suggestions from workshop to be reflected in final report.
PIN will require specific and data-supported answers to each of the agreed evaluation questions or strong justification for why the data could not be obtained. Justification of data unavailability must be communicated by the evaluator without any delay as soon as it becomes apparent and approved by PIN.
The experts will perform their duties in full compliance with PIN standards. Relevant policies will be provided by PIN project manager. PIN Kosovo staff will also provide adequate guidance on cultural norms to be respected while conducting research with people.
3. Expected Deliverables
1) Inception report: The evaluator is expected to provide a full set of Guidelines developed for the purpose of primary data collection, including:
- Standardized guideline for KIIs with stakeholders;
- Standardised guideline for surveys with PwIDs and ChwIDs to measure their satisfaction with services at group hommes
- Standardized questionnaire for online survey with caregivers to measure the usefulness of skills gained through training
- Standardized guideline for measuring Self advocates advocacy efforts and abilities
- Draft agenda for the validation workshop with stakeholders
- Draft of consent form
- Detailed timeline of field visits
2) First draft of report, presenting findings and recommendations
3) Final draft of report, addressing feedback provided by PIN staff and reflecting inputs from stakeholders workshop
4. Duration
The assignment should be completed within two months after signing the contract. The number of days allocated for this assignment are 20 working days. A schedule of specific activities shall be agreed between the PIN and the selected Tenderer. This assignment is plan to take place during January – February 2023. The evaluator is expected to spend at least 10 working days in North Macedonia for the purpose of data collection.
Main deliverables should be submitted to PIN, as per following schedule:
- 2st week after starting date: Inception report
- 6th week after starting date: First draft of report, presenting findings, and recommendations.
- 8th week after starting date deliver Final evaluation report.
PIN Kosovo will provide feedback on each deliverable within 5 working days. Inception report must be approved by PIN project manager prior to starting with data collection.
Qualification of evaluator
- Proven experience in conducting final project/programme evaluations
- Proven experience in evaluating projects working with People with Intellectual Disabilities-PwIDs
- At least bachelor degree in social sciences or similar area (advanced level of education is preferable)
- Experience in evaluating EU funded project is preferable
- Fluent in English
- Knowledge of Macedonian is preferable
- Proven experience in quantitative and qualitative methodologies, including statistical analyses
5. Logistics
PIN staff in North Macedonia will provide support in translation, reaching respondents, scheduling meetings, organizing FGDs and Workshop and transport to the meeting locations.
6. Payment modalities
Budget available for this assignment is € 3, 500 gross.
The payment will be done in two instalments:
- 1st instalment, 40% of the total amount after approval of the inception report.
- Final instalment, the remaining 60% after approval of the first draft report and final report.
PIN will do the transport within North Macedonia for the purpose of data collection. PIN will book the meeting/ workshop locations. Travel cost for international travel and accommodation are responsibility of tenderer.
Note: PIN reserves the right to deduct up to 0.5% of the total contract price for each day's delay in meeting the deliverables specified. This deduction shall be applied to the last payment of 60% of the contract price.
How to apply
All interested individuals must submit the following documents:
- CV
- Letter of Interest and availability
- Previous publications (if applicable)
- Contacts of three references (preferably from similar assignments)
- Document issued by your state authority that you are not under any criminal investigation (to be submitted if contracted by PIN)
All interested candidates should submit the application via Fast Apply with the subject: DI Final project Evaluation_ (your name and surname)
Deadline for application is 30.11.2022.