Title of the Project: Promoting Entrepreneurial Centres of Vocational Excellence
- A new toolkit to help CoVES better engage their ecosystems.
- Taylor made coaching sessions on the use of the toolkit and reports with findings and recommendations for each CoVE and for ETF.
- Support to the design and facilitation of the Entrepreneurship policy hackaton and a report with main recommendations.
Start date: March 2024
End date: October 2024
Background information
About ETF
The European Training Foundation (ETF) is a specialised agency of the European Union based in Turin, Italy. The ETF provides advice and assistance to the European Commission and 29 Partner countries for the reform of human capital development policies under the European Union’s external relations instruments. The ETF helps transition and developing countries to harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training, and labour market systems. More details on ETF are available at www.etf.europa.eu.
Professional and/or education experience:
At least 15 years in promoting entrepreneurial learning through, for instance, curricula development and teachers training – including at least 5 activities related to support schools better engage with different actors in their ecosystem.
At least 5 years in coaching VET schools in strategic entrepreneurial development.
Country/ Region specific expertise, if relevant:
Experience in EU Member states and preferably in at least one the following Partner countries: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Morocco, North Macedonia and Tunisia.
Other skills such as writing / IT / presentation / facilitation skills / ability to work in team etc:
Excellent drafting skills Excellent facilitation skills:
One example of an Agenda/Concept note of relevant webinars/coaching session designed by the expert
One example of a coaching report for a VET school
Language skills:
English C1 (written and oral)
Assets (Optional):
Certification of expertise in at least one of the above areas received within the last 10 years.
Expertise in support to internationalisation or digitalisation of TVET centers Knowledge of French (min B2).
How to apply
Applications and updated CV should be submitted to d.durnea@developmentaid.org, under the title: DRS 11612 (ref. number). Due to the high number of applications received via the DevelopmentAid website, we can reply to shortlisted candidates only. Please note that the above requirements can be modified during the recruitment process according to the client's procedures.